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voxpupuli-rubocop 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 voxpupuli-rubocop

puppet-syntax 4.1.1

Syntax checks for Puppet manifests and templates

14,040,354 下载

hiera-eyaml 4.1.0

Hiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties

8,545,802 下载

metadata-json-lint 4.0.0

Utility to verify Puppet metadata.json files

7,393,008 下载

facterdb 1.27.0

Contains facts from many Facter version on many Operating Systems

6,894,599 下载

rspec-puppet-facts 3.0.0

Contains facts from many Facter version on many Operating Systems

6,295,789 下载

beaker 5.8.1

Puppet's accceptance testing harness

4,344,832 下载

beaker-rspec 8.1.0

RSpec bindings for beaker, see

3,197,238 下载

beaker-hostgenerator 2.12.0

The beaker-hostgenerator tool will take a Beaker SUT (System Under Test) spec as its fi...

3,187,417 下载

puppet-blacksmith 7.0.0

Puppet module tools for development and Puppet Forge management

3,157,117 下载

beaker-hiera 1.0.0

For use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool

2,132,290 下载

beaker-puppet 3.0.1

For use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool

1,833,104 下载

beaker-docker 2.2.1

Allows running Beaker tests using Docker

1,360,471 下载

beaker-vagrant 1.3.0

For use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool

1,209,959 下载

ra10ke 3.0.0

R10K and Puppetfile rake tasks

630,963 下载

beaker-module_install_helper 2.0.0

A helper gem for use in a Puppet Modules spec_helper_acceptance.rb file to help install...

630,383 下载

beaker-vmware 2.1.1

For use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool

620,299 下载

beaker-vcloud 2.0.0

For use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool

598,865 下载

voxpupuli-puppet-lint-plugins 5.0.0

A package that depends on all the puppet-lint-* gems Vox Pupuli modules need and puppet...

429,306 下载

puppet-ghostbuster 1.2.1

Try and find dead code in Puppet receipts

199,279 下载

puppet_metadata 4.0.0

A package that provides abstractions for the Puppet Metadata

118,860 下载

modulesync 3.2.0

Utility to synchronize common files across puppet modules in Github.

68,644 下载

voxpupuli-release 3.0.1

Helpers for deploying Vox Pupuli modules

66,140 下载

beaker-hcloud 1.0.0

Another gem that extends beaker

323 下载

下载总量 7,851

这个版本 251



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0
