RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para mongrel La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mongrel

em-http-request 1.1.7

EventMachine based, async HTTP Request client

33.112.662 Descargas

celerity 0.9.2

Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript...

895.511 Descargas

mongrel_cluster 1.0.5

Mongrel plugin that provides commands and Capistrano tasks for managing multiple Mongre...

182.088 Descargas

frank 1.0.12

Rapidly develop static sites using any supported templating language

120.208 Descargas

operawatir 0.5.1

OperaWatir is a part of the Watir (pronounced water) family of free software Ruby l...

111.257 Descargas

operawatir 0.5.1

OperaWatir is a part of the Watir (pronounced water) family of free software Ruby l...

111.257 Descargas

mongrel_service 0.4.0

This plugin offer native win32 services for rails. This replace mongrel_rails_service.

86.685 Descargas

junebug-wiki 0.0.37

Junebug is a minimalist ruby wiki running on Camping.

71.287 Descargas

ap4r 0.3.7

Asynchronous Processing for Ruby.

60.745 Descargas

junebug 0.0.18

Junebug is a minimalist ruby wiki running on Camping.

59.763 Descargas

waves 0.9.3

Open-source framework for building Ruby-based Web applications.

58.732 Descargas

vae 0.9.5

Supports local development for Vae Platform (

56.856 Descargas

rfeedparser 0.9.951

Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Ruby

47.780 Descargas

wontomedia 1.0.7

WontoMedia is a Ruby-on-Rails web app for community creation of an information cl...

42.580 Descargas

lackie 0.2.0

Automates remote applications using an HTTP middleman

39.613 Descargas

conveyor 0.2.3

* Like TiVo for your data * A distributed rewindable multi-queue

38.875 Descargas

distribustream 0.5.1

DistribuStream is a fully open peercasting system allowing on-demand or live streaming ...

38.310 Descargas

rsel 0.1.2

Rsel provides a Slim fixture for running Selenium tests, with step methods written ...

37.489 Descargas

ginst 2009.12.8

GINST is the new integration system

36.570 Descargas

distributed_demo 1.0.8

Demo for my talk at the Scottish Ruby Conference: Distributed Systems with Rack.

35.027 Descargas


The mongrel_proctitle Gem

34.410 Descargas

whats-up-adhearsion 0.1.9

Allows you to get information about Adhearsions status via rest calls

31.148 Descargas

magistrate_monitor 0.5.1

Receives checkins from the magistrate gem and sends back commands

30.553 Descargas

coupler 0.0.9

Coupler is a (JRuby) desktop application designed to link datasets together

30.483 Descargas

rails-app-installer 0.2.0

An installer for Rails apps

27.636 Descargas

gom-script 0.2.2

gom-script script simplifies coding of clients and daemon which like to listen on s...

27.057 Descargas

seesaw 0.2.5

== DESCRIPTION: seesaw: [verb] to change rapidly from one state or condition to anothe...

24.975 Descargas

uwa 0.7

Widget server for UWA specs by Netvibes (

24.627 Descargas

mongrel_esi 0.5.4

A small fast ESI HTTP Server built on top of Mongrel

22.645 Descargas

docter 1.1.3

We has docs

21.513 Descargas

Total de descargas 2.085.839

Para esta versión 934.052



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.8.4
