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Dépendances inversées pour net-ldap Latest version of the following gems require net-ldap

nexposecli 0.4.3

This experimental gem provides a Ruby command-line utility to the Nexpose vulnerability...

50 028 Téléchargements

bn-ldap-authentication 0.1.4

A ruby gem for using ldap to authenticate greenlight users

46 861 Téléchargements

sensu-plugins-openldap 2.0.1

Sensu plugins for OpenLDAP

44 521 Téléchargements

aker 3.0.4

A flexible authentication and authorization framework for Rack applications.

43 711 Téléchargements

ldap_tools 0.11.2

A set of tools to make managing LDAP users, groups, and keys easier

39 536 Téléchargements

ucb_ldap 3.1.4

Convenience classes for interacing with UCB's LDAP directory

38 057 Téléchargements

acs-ldap 0.2.7

ActiveRecord to LDAP adapter

37 348 Téléchargements

cornell_ldap 1.4.4

Using ActiveLdap, this library provides an easy interface for communicating with the Co...

37 309 Téléchargements

casino-ldap_authenticator 3.0.0

This gem can be used to allow the CASino backend to authenticate against an LDAP server.

35 859 Téléchargements

synapses-cas 0.1.11

Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.

34 864 Téléchargements

soar-registry-directory 7.0.0

Directories for soar registries

30 204 Téléchargements

devise_w3_authenticatable 0.3.2

Devise strategy to authenticate against IBM w3 LDAP directory.

29 064 Téléchargements

pg-ldap-sync 0.5.0

Use LDAP permissions in PostgreSQL

26 697 Téléchargements

mit_stalker 1.0.7

Fetches publicly available information about MIT students.

26 147 Téléchargements

yaleldap 1.0.8

Automatically connects to the LDAP server if you are on campus/VPN. Can be queried by U...

26 128 Téléchargements

cratus 0.5.3

The Ruby tool for auditing and reporting on user permissions based on groups

25 661 Téléchargements

lucy_cms 0.0.6

LucyCMS is a Rails 3 CMS that lives inside your Rails App, but does not interfere with it

22 632 Téléchargements

cmpa_auth 1.0.6

Biblioteca de autenticação para a Assessoria de Informática (CMPA).

21 971 Téléchargements

sheffield_ldap_lookup 0.0.10

A gem to fetch information from University of Sheffield LDAP server based on username o...

19 881 Téléchargements

activeldap-fabrication 1.0.1

'ActiveLdap Fabrication' is an ActiveLdap adapter for Fabrication. It means that you ca...

19 587 Téléchargements

ucb_groups 0.0.8

Finds users that belong to a given ucb group

18 787 Téléchargements

ldap-shell-utils 0.1.0

This is a simple wrapper over ldapsearch util avoiding base64 dn and others gotchas

17 480 Téléchargements

ldap-shell-utils 0.1.0

This is a simple wrapper over ldapsearch util avoiding base64 dn and others gotchas

17 480 Téléchargements

ad-ldap 0.1.1

A small wrapper to Net::LDAP to provide some extended functionality and utility.

17 430 Téléchargements

hydra-ldap 0.1.0

A gem for managing groups with ldap

17 392 Téléchargements

mooset 0.0.9

Ruby library and client for user migration.

16 857 Téléchargements

cmu-person 0.0.5

This tool is used to search Carnegie Mellon's LDAP directory. Provide an Andrew ID and ...

16 053 Téléchargements

el_dap 0.0.4

Simple search and authentication tool for Active Directory. This included support for b...

15 554 Téléchargements

casino_core-authenticator-ldap 0.0.4

This gem can be used to allow the CASinoCore backend to authenticate against an LDAP se...

14 524 Téléchargements

avdt_ldap 1.0.1

This gem can manage user authentication on multiple LDAP directories that can reside ei...

14 315 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 63 390 356

Pour cette version 430 514



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.0.0
